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restore healthy hair harmony

Helping women restore health back into their hair, scalp and follicle to stop hair loss, hair breakage and heal scalp conditions.



root revival works with you to create a customized program to restore health back into your hair follicle and scalp for healthy hair growth


restore the hair follicle back to a healthy growth cycle and begin growing stronger, fuller, healthier looking hair.


40% of women have noticeable hair loss by the age of 50


Let's begin your success story!


 Watching your hair thin and break can feel overwhelming and emotional. That's why you can take comfort in a private relaxing suite with one-on-one hair care from a certified hair loss practitioner.


Let's begin creating your healthy hair journey together.


As a hairstylist for the last 25 years and a certified hair loss practitioner for the last 3 years, Michelle has been trained in caring for the overall health of hair, scalp and follicle. She has created customized programs that guide you through proper health and nutrition to support healthy hair growth, stress management and ways to incorporate balance into your lifestyle, and systems that deliver success to healthier fuller hairstyles.

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 Root Revival~ DeLuco's Hair Spa

1262 Hartford Tnpk. Vernon, CT 06238

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